15th International congress of dietetics

The report of 15th International congress of dietetics

Date: September 10, 2008
Venue: The Pacifico Yokohama
Organized by: Organizing Committee of ICD 2008
Co-Organized by: International Confederation of Dietetic Associations(ICDA)
The Japan Dietetic Association

Importance of Dietary Therapy-Compatible Meals in Hotels:
In order that Patients May Feel The Pleasures of Meals and The Joy of Life

Yukie Oki1
Hotel Du Ciel Bleu, Japan

Aim: It is extremely important to offer dietary therapy (DT)-compatible meals to promote the quality-of-life for certain patients in hotels. DT very often reduces the patient's ability to enjoy meals, especially when eating out. If DT-compatible meals could be offered in a tranquil and relaxing setting such as a mountainside hotel, the favorable psychological rewards for patients might be enormous.

Methods: Based on the pathology-nutrition theory, eligible DT patients were categorized and DT standards were established and prepared in line with hospital DT regimens. All meal-related management and calculation faithfully followed those of a medical institution.

Results: The hotel was able to offer DT-compatible meals almost throughout (95%) of the year. The DT-compatible meals for pathological conditions such as diabetes, nephropathy, hyperlipemia, hepatopathy and pancreopathy were routinely offered together with standard French meals. All meals were of full-course servings.@

Conclusion: This DT-compatible meal was particularly meaningful for nephropaths not undergoing dialysis. Under the pressure of a strict dietary regimen, many hope for a safe transition through dialysis while many just give up on their one and only precious life.
This speaker has established a novel mission for this hotel, and strongly hope that this concept will be disseminated throughout the world to promote quality-of-life in patients.